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These are some of the ways that I use my patented RainChalk® on the carious types of calls that are available. I am sure you can expand on these ideas some and you are encouraged to do so. Thank you for looking at and trying my chalk and please contact me about it and let me know what you think  Jim Davis


Use light colored chalk body on box lids when they become wet. Rub chalk on lid, turn box call upright, wait 30 to 60 seconds for flash drying to occur and begin calling. Rub light colored chalk body on box call lids for improved friction in dry conditions as well.


As a test of the friction capabilities of this chalk, lightly rub the light colored body on the slick unconditioned surface of a glass call or a flat piece of window glass. Note: this procedure does not work on crystal and some special types of glass.


With a wooden striker, work very lightly on the slick chalked surface until sounding begins. Then apply a slight bit more pressure to get clear full yelps. Experiment with other surfaces that you would not normally consider for call surfacing - hint - something more ornamental or ornate. With the friction this chalk produces, a whole new range of call surfacing material can now be considered.


The round darker colored area located in the center of the chalk body is called the core area. It is made up of a material that is also in the chalk body, but is highly concentrated in this core area. The concentrated core has a special use. It is used on the tip of your wooden striker so that you can work your slate and other friction call surfaces in the rain or when they get slick from handling or carrying them against your clothing. The core is 3/8" in dia., so flared striker ends will also work in it.


When slate or glass calls get wet or slick, dampen your finger and moisten the striker end, then rub the damp striker end on the dark core area of the chalk body. Note! Use light pressure to avoid breaking the chalk. Like magic, the slick or wet call will begin to play when the treated striker is then used.

 Tip! Place a little dab of super glue on the end of your striker so that the core mix will stick to the striker end. Let it dry and then your striker will work on slick, wet or dry calls for several days of use before you need to repeat the application again.


 Here's how I to do it...

First rub the striker end on the core to loosen the material and render it to a powder state for easy pick up. Second, cover striker end with a light coat of super glue. Third, pick up powder with wet striker end. Fourth, and last, let treated striker dry for 15 minutes.